Grandchildren of Oupa Harry Venter, kindly send me your thoughts about Oupa Harry. It may be as short as a paragraph, or as long as you wish. Just email it to me at Dankie almal! Dit kan in Afrikaans of Engels wees. If you can send it in both languages, great. I can also translate it for you from the language of your choice if you wish.
Joel Hitchcock
Ek sal my refleksie in beide Afrikaans en Engels doen:
Dit was vir my 'n wonderlike voorreg om informasie oor Oupa Harry se
lewe bymekaar te maak terwyl hy nog hier met ons in hierdie lewe is. Dit
is my gebed en begeerte dat Oupa nog baie jare saam met ons sal wees.
van die dinge wat ek altyd sal onthou was dat as kind het ek altyd R5
van hom en Ouma Betty op my verjaarsdag ontvang, natuurlik met 'n mooi
verjaarsdagkaartjie. Ek onthou ook die tye wat ek vir hom gekuier het
in sy huis. Die een huis was in ek dink Germiston. Hy het 'n garage
daar gehad, wat altyd netjies en in orde was. My ma Elaine het altyd
gesê hoe elke tool 'n plek het.
Dan onthou ek ook toe
hulle in Mondeor gewoon het. Ek was altyd welkom om by hulle oor te bly
as ek in die area was. Dit het nie baie gebeur nie, maar ekkoester die
tye wat ek daar met hulle gespandeer het. Alhoewel Oupa en Ouma lede
van die NG Kerk is, het hulle eenmal toe ek hulle gevra het, my na die
Volle Evangelie Kerk in Alberton geneem. Oupa het nog gesê hoe pragtig
die sanger gesing het.
Nog iets snaaks was toe my ander
Oupa Dys Hitchcock met Oupa Harry 'n baie klein meningsverskil gehad
het. Die vonke het so 'n bietjie gespat, maar toe dit oor was was dit
oor en die lewe het aangegaan. So draai die wind, my kind sê daardie
liedjie mos.
Ek het ook die voorreg gehad om 'n twee
ure lange gesprek met Oupa te voer waarin hy my 'n bietjie van sy lewe
vertel het. Dit was by sy dogter Mandie se huis. Dit was 'n baie
spesiale tyd en ek sal dit altyd onthou. Oupa het die tyd gevat om 'n
paar van sy herhinneringe neer te skryf. Hy hoef dit nie gedoen het nie,
maar hy het, en ek glo ons kleinkinders sal dit altyd waardeer.
onthou ook hoe hy so 'n vriendelike en sagte stem gehad het, en
natuurlik onthou ek sy mooi lag. Hy het my altyd Joëlie genoem, en dit
was spesiaal.
It has been my privilege to initiate gathering information about Oupa Harry's life while he is still with us. It is my prayer and desire that Oupa will continue to be with us for many more years.
One of the things that has always been in my mind was that as a child I remember that I always received R5 from him and Ouma Betty on my birthday, accompanied by a nice card. I also remember visiting with him at his home. I remember his one home in I think Germiston. He had a garage which was always in immaculate order. My mom used to always say how his tools had a specific place.
Then I remember when they lived in Mondeor. I was always welcomed to stay over when I was in the area. This didn't happen much, but I cherish the times I spent there. Although Oupa and Ouma are members of the Dutch Reformed Church, they once, at my request, took me to the Full Gospel Church in Alberton. Oupa still said how beautiful the singer sung.
Another humerous memory is when him and my other Oupa Dys Hitchcock had a disagreement. A few sparks flew, but when it was over it was over and life went on. I also had the joy of interviewing Oupa Harry at his daughter Mandie's house. This was also a very special time, and I will cherish this memory. Oupa took much time to write some of his memories at my request. He didn't have to do it, but he did, and I believe us grandchildren will always appreciate it.
I also remember his kind and soft spoken voice, accompanied by his laughter. He also used to call me Joëlie. That was special.
Jessica (Hitchcock) van der Walt
Reflection to appear here
Johnny Hitchcock
Reflection to appear here
Jolene Hitchcock
Reflection to appear here
Christopher Mullineux
Reflection to Appear here
Caroline Foubister
As I child I was always fascinated by Oupa's life as a pilot in the army. I would listen in wonder about his adventures in North Africa and around the world. I think this may have influenced my desire to travel to far off places! I loved the aeroplanes in his sitting room and now Xander loves the one he made for him. Maybe he will also develop a sense of adventure.
Kyle Venter
Reflection to appear here
Ryan Venter
Reflection to appear here
Kari Venter
Reflection to appear here
Mandie se kinders
Refleksie hier
Noreen se kinders
Refleksie hier
Klein Kinders & Klein Klein Kinder Fotos:
Harry Venter with daughter Anita Rock |
Harry Venter with daughter Anita Rock |
Anita & Bill Rock with Anita's grandchild JZ |
Harry Venter's grandchild Caroline (Venter) Forbister with |
Great grandchild Xander Forbister with Caroline (Venter) Forbister with Oupa grootjie Harry Venter |
Harry Venter's
great grandson Xander Forbister - son of Caroline (Venter) and Roy
Forbister. Aeroplane was made by Xander's Oupa Harry. |
Harry Venter's grandson JZ (son of Christopher & Andrea Mullineux - Anita Rock's son) |
Harry Venter's great granddaughter (daughter of Christopher & Andrea Mullineux) |
Grandchildren Kyle & Ryan |
Harry's grandson Kyle Venter and son Leon Venter |
Harry's grandson Ryan Venter and son Leon Venter |
Harry's son Leon Venter with his sons Kyle & Ryan Venter |
Harry's grandson Ryan Venter |
Harry's Grandson Ryan Venter and great grandson Joshua |
Grandson Kyle (on right) and Ryan Venter’s son Joshua (on left) |
Kyle Venter with Ryan Venter’s son Joshua |
Harry's Great grandchild - Ryan Venters daughter, Rylee |
Ryan Venter’s son Joshua (Harry's Great Grandson) |
Ryan Venter’s son Joshua i.e. Great Grandson |
Ryan Venter’s son Joshua i.e. Harry's Great Grandson |
Betty se dogter Mandie Bellingan se dogter Vicky Sankey se seuntjie Keagan Sankey met Oupa Grootjie Harry Venter |
Betty se dogter Mandie Bellingan se seun Donovan Bellingan se dogtertjie Jenna-Leigh Bellingan met Oupa Grootjie Harry Venter |